Friday, July 8, 2011

Smarter than I thought

Laszlo got a rawhide bone from the vet today. He was super excited about it and kept flaunting it in front of Ginger (his older step sister). Sure enough, she took it from him and he spirit was crushed! She took it, lay down and chewed it right in his face. I thought he would get all growly and try to take it back but instead he lay down nose to nose with her just a few inches away, head down on the ground, with super sad puppy dog eyes. Since Ginger's jaws are much stronger, she quickly had the rawhide in 2 pieces. Laszlo stuck out a paw and grabbed the smaller piece. Ginger let him have it and the 2 of them lay side by side chewing their tasty treats. A dog barked in the alley and Ginger got up to check it out. As soon as she walked away, Laszlo ran and got her piece of the rawhide and hid it in a rain boot I had given him to play with. He swiftly returned to where he had been laying and proceeded chewing away on his little piece, pretending nothing had happened. When Ginger came back, sniffing around for her nugget of rawhide it was nowhere to be found and Laszlo, seemingly innocent, chewed away...

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